Blog Archives

In spite of wind and rain …

Arvid pedals on and on and on. Today is Day 5.

Posted in The Ride

Day One

1% done. 99% to go. The weather was rather pleasant with sunshine and a very moderate wind, for a change. The best biking weather I have had this year. I was very pleased with My first day efforts as I

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GrandpasCan 2019 has begun!

The first kilometre in honour of the first child rescued by MCF 30 years ago. Only 14,999 more to go! Looks like a nice day for a bike ride.

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Key West

Arvid has arrived at the end of his 2018 journey, successfully completing his north to south he started in 2015. He completed 7000 km this year, starting 120 west of Watson Lake, YT, and trekking to the southernmost point in

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Early morning routine

Each morning Juergen scampers up the ladder to switch our rooftop flashing hazard lights on. Arvid enjoys his 4:10 am breakfast.

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Our first flat

We are sitting at an OK Tire in Roanoke, Alabama as the RV has a flat tire. We hope it can be repaired swiftly so we can get back on the road. Arvid is resting inside the motorhome.

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Triple A Q&A

Thank you for your question, Anika. It is a very common question. Question: What does Arvid eat in a day? Answer: -early morning wake-up breakfast (4:10am) of a bagel with cream cheese and jam, bowl of oatmeal with coffee -breakfast

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The middle third

The journey of GrandpasCan 2018 began just west of Watson Lake, YT. The route takes us to Key West, FL, a journey of 7200 km. Many of you have heard Arvid speak of the challenges of the middle third. The

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A special support crewing experience as Juergen and his son Luke support crew for their Uncle/Great-uncle Arvid.

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On the road again

After rain for most of the night, we awoke to a fresh morning. Arvid began cycling at 5am, heading to Oakville. We have some early morning fog and already saw two deer in the field. A beautiful morning. Rick sent

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Giant cactus

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Another first 

Every event has its twists and turns. This one is no different.  The follow crew headed out with Arvid yesterday from Oceanside. The ‘chore’ vehicle was to go ahead to Blythe so they could take over crewing in the middle

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Crew update

The first crew of this race got a good 3hs of sleep this morning. Lunch was excellent at the Sizzler in Blythe. Slowly catching up to Arvid past TS4 -Parker. Nice and warm at 37C

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Go Arvid!


Posted in The Ride

Ready to be call at the start line

Posted in The Ride

Project Description

To read the full project description, download the PDF.


To participate by riding your bike in support of MCF, download the PDF.

GrandpasCan 2020 Training

Arvid's stats are updated daily in an online spreadsheet. Click here.

Prayer Requests

May 20: As the ride begins, pray that we will have strength equal to the task ahead!


About MCF

Charles Mulli is a former street child from the slums of Kenya. He became extremely successful in business, but then God called him to give it all up and care for the orphaned and abandoned children still on the streets in Kenya. Charles Mulli is the founder and CEO of Mully Children's Family. To learn more about MCF, click here.

Arvid's Role

God has called me (Arvid) to be an ambassador for Mully Children's Family. I have chosen to use ultramarathon cycling as my platform from which to fulfill this calling. You can follow my ride, here, at To read more about me and my story, click here.


I am asking you to help. I am trying to raise funds for the ongoing and capital expenses for the child mothers program at MCF. This program provides the critical life skills the young mothers need. To learn more about donating, click here.

Media Contact

Click here.