
Many thanks to the following donors for helping to pay for the expenses of GrandpasCan. Your support allows us to bring Charles Mulli to Canada, fly support crew to various destinations, pay for gas, food, etc. on the road. Events like these would not be possible without your generosity.


Frank & Agnes DeFehr
Waldo & Edith Fast
Ted & Mary Paetkau
Murray & Charlotte Taylor
Henry & Irene Hamm
Boge & Boge Consulting Engineers
Wiebe Chiropractic
Triple E RV (Modern/Winkler)

MCF needs your support!

Mully Children’s Family is a street children rescue mission in Kenya, Africa, presently raising 3000 formerly orphaned or abandoned children, in a family-type environment.


Your support will go towards purchasing food and other daily costs incurred while raising a VERY large family.

To learn about how to link your donations with Arvid's 2017 journey, click here.

Make a secure ONLINE DONATION at www.mcfcf.org. Select “Get Involved” See “Donate – GrandpasCan” Make your donation using PayPal


Make cheque payable to: MCF Canada Memo Line: GrandpasCan Send to: MCF Canada PO Box 35027 RPO Henderson Winnipeg, MB R2K 4J9