4,000 km done

4000 km done
By now I am quite familiar with the cracks (and there are plenty) on the road on Henderson Highway.

So far, for the most part I have been able to direct the potentially mind- numbing boredom of riding the same ‘loop’ 12 times a day, into an opportunity for growth; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I carry a miniature pocket radio, using the right earbud only. There are a LOT of choices of ‘talk’ radio, music and inspirational programs.

My daily goal is simple, ride 333 km before coming home.

Executing this goal requires perseverance, courage and dedication to complete. I believe that these are character traits that can be developed further. We are NOT limited by what we are born with.

Romans 5:3-4; Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character  produces hope.

While God calls us to persevere in our faith, (a lot more important than cycling 15,000km), the lessons learned on Henderson Highway can play a significant role towards that ultimate goal. 
I believe that it is good to plan a deliberate (controlled) activity that helps  shape the person God wants us to become. For me, this summer it is Henderson Highway.
But boy, I am so excited for this planned week off.  Sitting around a campfire without my legs going round and round, will be great.

Posted in The Ride
One comment on “4,000 km done
  1. Stan Wiebe says:

    Enjoy your week off Arvid!!! Well deserved!!!

Project Description

To read the full project description, download the PDF.


To participate by riding your bike in support of MCF, download the PDF.

GrandpasCan 2020 Training

Arvid's stats are updated daily in an online spreadsheet. Click here.

Prayer Requests

May 20: As the ride begins, pray that we will have strength equal to the task ahead!


About MCF

Charles Mulli is a former street child from the slums of Kenya. He became extremely successful in business, but then God called him to give it all up and care for the orphaned and abandoned children still on the streets in Kenya. Charles Mulli is the founder and CEO of Mully Children's Family. To learn more about MCF, click here.

Arvid's Role

God has called me (Arvid) to be an ambassador for Mully Children's Family. I have chosen to use ultramarathon cycling as my platform from which to fulfill this calling. You can follow my ride, here, at www.grandpascan.com/ride. To read more about me and my story, click here.


I am asking you to help. I am trying to raise funds for the ongoing and capital expenses for the child mothers program at MCF. This program provides the critical life skills the young mothers need. To learn more about donating, click here.

Media Contact

Click here.