The last 2 km were by far the most enjoyable. We had a large group of cyclists join me for our bike parade to NKMB church. Thank you ALL for making the effort in bringing your bikes. It meant a lot to us.
The parade was followed by an inspirational program in the church and some refreshments after. Thank you all who participated in the program. A special thanks to our MCF friends, Ndondo, Lydia and Mumina for sharing your powerful testimonies. Thank you to our friends who looked after ALL the details to make the evening flow so smoothly. Thank you for coming out and celebrating what God has done in 30 years at Mully Children’s Family.Ruth and I feel so blessed to play a role in representing MCF for the last 15 years.
It takes a village to raise a child. (MCF is that village)It takes the world to support that village. (ALL of you who continue show interest/support for Ruth and my efforts on behalf of the kids at MCF are part of that supporting world). All we can do is say a big THANK YOU.